list OSRS Boss Slayer - TzHaar Slayer Master and System Guide and Rewards - PlayerAuctions Blog

OSRS Boss Slayer – TzHaar Slayer Master and System Guide and Rewards

OSRS Boss Slayer Guide
By | July 21st, 2020 | Categories: RuneScape

Old School Runescape continues to introduce hot new content to the game. This time around, we are getting a new OSRS Boss Slayer Master with the TzHaar Slayer Master. What’s exciting about this is that there is a bunch of unique features that are going to be accompanying this particular Slayer Master, some of which that you won’t have had the opportunity to do before. There are a few things that you are going to need to know beforehand, which surrounds the requirements that you will need, and what rewards you will be eligible to receive by completing the coming tasks.

With that in mind, this guide will outline the following:

  • Who is the new Slayer Master?
  • New Slayer Master Requirements
  • Slayer Task System
  • The Points System
  • Rewards

If you’re getting ready for the new OSRS Boss Slayer system, buying some cheap OSRS Gold to make sure you have all the gear you need is a great idea. The best place for this, of course, is PlayerAuctions.

First of all, let’s take a look at the new TzHaar Slayer Master itself.

Who is the new TzHaar Slayer Master?

The TzHaar race is often described as a peaceful one, despite their menacing appearance. This nature of peace however can often fool people into questioning the combat skills of the TzHaar, of which they are very proficient. The way in which they are made up prevents them from straying too far from the home of Mor Ul Rek, but they are more than aware of the goings on beyond their habitat with many tales told from the creatures brave enough to roam the open world.

New OSRS Boss Slayer Master Requirements

In order to engage with this new Slayer Master, you will need to be at 75 Slayer. You will also need to have a combat level of 100 to stand much of a chance here. Perhaps most interestingly, there is a new task system in place that you have to abide by, so let’s take a look at what tasks you will have to perform.

If you don’t quite have the required Slayer or Combat level, buying cheap OSRS Power Leveling services can get you up there in no time.

OSRS Boss Slayer Task System

This unique Slayer Master has its very own task system, in which you can have a standard Slayer task, and a Boss Slayer task running simultaneously. It is worth keeping in mind here that if you do have two tasks associated with one NPC, then boss tasks are going to take priority in this situation. You can view the status of both tasks if the Slayer Helm and Gem are active too. You are able to use one Skip per day, though Turael cannot be used to skip tasks here.

There are many bosses offered up as tasks by this Slayer Master. We will list the bosses that you need to take on, but be aware that each boss has its own requirements before you can fight them. With that in mind, the bosses are as follows: Abyssal Sire, Alchemical Hydra, Barrows, Callisto, Cerberus, Chaos Elemental, Chaos Fanatic, Crazy Archaeologist, Dagganoth Kings, General Graador, Giant Mole, Grotesque Guardians, Thermonuclear Smoke Devil, Kalphite Queen, Kree’arra, K’ril Tsutsaroth, Kraken, TzTok-Jad/TzKal-Zuk, Vet’ion, Venenatis, Zulrah, Vorkath, King Black Dragon, Sarachnis, and Scorpia.

How long the boss tasks will take varies depending on the task itself. It will ultimately come down to how prepared you are for each activity, and whether or not you have the best possible gear and requirements to get you through it in a time that can be considered efficient.

The Points System

In another unique twist, this Slayer Master also has its own Points System. This will give the player the opportunity to earn special rewards, as well as experience unique task interactions, which revolves around picking, storing, blocking and skipping tasks. Here you will also have the chance to earn rewards such as the Slayer Helm Recolours, Gargoyle Smasher, Herb Sack and Rune Pouch.

If you want the ability to store a task, then finally you have it. This is something that has been heavily requested by the fanbase, and now you can store a task so you can spend points to bank it then play it when you are ready. Keep in mind however, that this only works for this Slayer Master and not others.

You can now also choose a task that you want to participate in, which is bound to be huge news for many players. Normally, players would have to use the Turael system to skip the tasks that they didn’t want to do, which would also mean engaging in low-level tasks. Even though there is a new system for this Slayer Master, you will need to rack up a decent amount of points to use this system, though not too many that it wouldn’t be worth using.

Exclusive Tasks

Yes, there are even exclusive tasks for you to take part in here too. This can lead to optional unlocks, which adds more range to your experience in Boss Slayer. Those included are the solo-only tasks of Corporeal Beast and The Nightmare, where no Slayer Helm benefits would be applied.

OSRS Boss Slayer Rewards

As far as rewards go for this Slayer Master goes, you can expect to receive Boss Teleport Scrolls, which will be dropped by the relevant bosses. These can come in very handy in the sense that it saves you having to walk long distances to certain bosses. There are also Supply Drops, which have the potential of including Prayer Potions, Sharks, Super Combat and Ranging Potions.

There is also a new item for the ammo slot in the form of the Divine Reliquary, which can come in very handy when you find yourself in the God Wars Dungeon, with additional kill counts and other benefits. The Lustrous Gem has also been added as a reward after player feedback, which will act as a tradeable gem to be used to make the Lustrous Ring.


That is everything you need to know so far about the new OSRS Boss Slayer Master. There are a number of requirements and bosses for you to get past, but there are some great rewards and new features for you to enjoy, in what is one of the most unique Slayer Masters that we have seen in the game so far.

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