Things You Need to Know About Rocket League Import Cars

By | April 28th, 2019 | Categories: Rocket League

Rocket League, in the beginning, was nothing more than a fun game where you roll around and play soccer with cars. Slowly but surely, more and more features were added to the bare bones until now, it’s a veritable gold mine of cool vehicles, BMDs, Boosts, you name it! One of the most important parts of the trading and customization world is Rocket League Import Cars. In this article, I’ll take you through what you need to know about these fun vehicles!

What’s first?

Okay, so for the newcomer or for the seasoned veteran who just wants to brush up, here’s the absolute basics on what Import Cars are: they’re vehicles in the game that are heavily sought-after because of their unique characteristics, namely that you get them in crates and you can trade them! I’ll get more into that in a little while, but for now, they may or may not be based on preexisting cars (for example, the Octane ZSR), but they tend to look cooler and sleeker in general. Got it? Good! Now, on to the more advanced stuff.

How many Imports are there?

Lots. In a word, lots. As Rocket League continues to evolve, more and more come out in each crate until there will be a small army of the little fellas. I still remember where there were only a few options and it was easy to distinguish what someone was driving. Now, with some exceptions, it can actually be pretty difficult to tell between some of the more similar looking imports when you’re playing.

I could list you a number here, but the truth is that in no time it’ll be outdated. For the practical purposes of this article, I’ll say that there are fewer than thirty but more than ten. That’ll cover me for a little while. But, with almost every new major crate (with some exceptions, like special events), there’s a new import car!

For more Rocket League, check this out: How to Get Keys in Rocket League: The Do’s and Don’ts

What’s the best Import car?

That’s the big question that everyone wants to know: what’s the best one of ‘em? Sure, there are tons, but what’s the absolute best one? Tragic answer—that varies and there is no clear answer. Although, if you hopped onto the trading forum some of them absolutely go for more than others, that’s really just popularity and doesn’t necessarily indicate which is the best or worst.

Octane ZSR

However, if someone made me pick, I’d have to go with the Octane ZSR. The Octane family has garnered some of the most popularity and support of the Rocket League community, and for very good reason. Many of the pros play with the little import, largely because it feels so light, fast, and agile. It has very sharp edges that are good and reliable for shooting, although its diminutive size makes it a little harder to use than some of the other alternatives.

What’s the best Import Car for me?

Every single one of the Import cars has a different play style. Even the Octane ZSR, based on the Octane, has a slightly different feel to it than its namesake. Of course, not everyone would notice, and your average spectator might not even notice, but the edges are different and there’s a substantial difference in both appearance and play.

I could write a small book about choosing the right car. But, since I don’t have space for a book and I have to fit it in this blog post, here’s what Chapter 1 would be named: pick what feels best to you. Here’s what the other chapters would be about:

Do you like Speed or Power?

On paper, there isn’t a difference between the different imports. This isn’t a pay-to-win game. In a head-to-head race, none of the cars would finish in front of the other ones. That being said, some of them have substantially different vibes to them. Take the Roadhog XL vs the Endo. Both imports. Both reasonably popular. I can’t play with either. The Roadhog Xl is a big, bulky truck and the Endo is a slim little sports car, but the way that they handle make me want to uninstall the game. Comparatively, I used to play with the Roadhog XL all the time and my friend is amazing with the Endo. If I want to feel like I’m arriving with power, I’ll stick with the bigger, stronger feeling cars. If I’m wanting to feel agile, I’ll pick something slimmer.

Do you trust yourself?

If the answer is yes, you might want to consider driving something tiny, like the Octane ZSR. If you don’t really want to have to be super accurate all the time and appreciate some leeway like me, try something like the Mantis, which is essentially driving a sheet of paper. A great middle ground is the Centio or the Dominus GT, both of which I love to drive.

For more Rocket League, check this out: The Best Crates in Rocket League Along with Other Insights

How about Customization?

One of the biggest parts of the import car community is the virtually endless customization. You can customize almost everything about your vehicle, from the wheels to the paint to the decals to the engine sound. If you venture into trading, here’s something to keep in mind: Titanium White anything is more valuable in nearly every situation. It looks amazing and it goes with nearly everything. That’s part of why the Titanium White Zombas stayed so popular: you can match them with anything else and it ends up looking classy.


In conclusion, today in this Rocket League Import Cars Guide, I took you through a brief tour in the world of import cars. What are they? Which kind is best? What can you do with them in terms of appearance? The most important thing is to like I said above, pick what you play the best with and what you like the most. I have friends who swear on the Octane. I used to hate it but now I think it’s one of the most comfortable. The opposite went for the Roadhog XL. Your playstyle and car of choice may change, but the important thing is to enjoy yourself.

Until next time, get out there and have some fun!

For more Rocket League, check this out: The 5 Best Cars in Rocket League

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