What You Need to Know About Genshin Impact’s 2.4 Update

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By | January 12th, 2022 | Categories: Genshin Impact

What You Need to Know About Genshin Impact’s 2.4 Update

Since miHoYo released Genshin Impact in September 2020, this is the second new year celebration in-game. Typically it’s closer to February due to the Chinese New Year, but that is going to end up being the second half of this update. The next update is coming around the second week of February, so it works out.

The name of Genshin Impact’s 2.4 update is ‘Fleeting Colors in Flight’. Its crowning event is Liyue’s annual Lantern Rite Festival in the update’s second half. However, you can’t discount the first half just yet! The whole update has a lot in store for players new and old.

Character Banners

Since the success of the Albedo-Eula double banner, these next banners are all double banners as well. The first and current banners are for the new 5-star character Shenhe and Xiao, a rerun. The featured 4-stars include the new one, Yunjin, a Geo user with a polearm.

They’ll be followed up by a double rerun for Zhongli and Ganyu, two popular characters. Ganyu especially, since she’s a meta DPS character. This update is going to be a festival of wishing.

New Location

Enkanomiya lies in the depths under Watatsumi Island. The birthplace of their people has long since been abandoned for the surface, but tradition requires them to send a hero once in a while to retrieve a treasure. This time, it’s the Traveler they’re sending to retrieve it.

Many mysteries and treasures hide in the darkness of the ever-night in Enkanomiya. Some of those secrets the Traveler can’t bring back up to the surface, but at least they can carry the wills of those left behind.

The new location lets players reach the max level of the Sacred Sakura tree, subsequently unlocking the Electro Sigil shop in Inazuma. More than that, there are puzzles and so many things to discover in Enkanomiya.

New Archon Quest and New Hangouts

Ningguang’s rebuilding her Jade Chamber, and she’s asking for help. With the Traveler involved, you can be sure that the process of helping won’t be as clear-cut as collecting materials. Still, you can get to know Shenhe and Yunjin and the other Liyue characters a bit more in this quest.

Completing this quest also unlocks the hangout events for Ningguang and Yunjin. If you ever want to know more about these characters, it’s time to do this quest and their hangouts.

Events in Genshin Impact 2.4

Because of the new year celebrations, this update is full of events and rewards. Let’s get to them.

Currently, there is “A Study of Potions” event going on. Timaeus is trying to make the ‘Smoldersleet Elixir’ and asks the Traveler for help. Test out the potions he made along the way in a series of increasingly challenging trials for all kinds of rewards!

It’s even better when you can use some characters you might not have in the domains for this event. There are limitations to using them, but that’s the challenge the event domain brings.

Future events include:

Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas, where Travelers will guide the tanuki Kichiboushi out of the forest to show him various sights at Ioroi’s request. It’s a relaxing and cute event.

Windtrace returns with new environments and objects to hide as. It’s time to play hide and seek with other players again!

The Lantern Rite Festival is what players look forward to the most. The biggest reward you can get by participating is the choice of a Liyue 4-star to invite to your team. That means you can choose one among Ningguang, Xiangling, Xingqiu, Yanfei, Xinyan, Chongyun, Beidou, or Yunjin as a reward. That’s on top of being able to obtain Ningguang’s Orchid’s Evening Gown skin after fulfilling some requirements. Keqing also gets a new skin, but you’ll have to buy it at a discounted price with Genesis Crystals.

During this event, there’s a daily log-in reward. You can get 10 Intertwined Fates just by logging in every day! Later on the 9th of February, gifts from the Lantern Rite can give players 3 more Intertwined Fates when they log in.

Also, players can have the experience of making their own fireworks, playing with shadows, or gathering even more materials for the Jade Chamber. These three activities are the key to getting Ningguang’s skin!

Other Additions in 2.4

Other than these new locations, quests, and events, there are so many smaller features and mechanics the update added to the game.

In the Serenitea Pot, you can now create your own furniture sets so it’s easier to move a bunch of furniture around. If you do hide the set, though, you’ll have to put all the furniture down one by one and then group them again.

There’s also the Euphonium Unbound ornament, which lets you set the music of your teapot. There are two, and one can set the ‘outside music’ and the other inside the mansion. So far, there’s only music from Liyue and Mondstadt, and you can get new tracks from Chubby (or a friend’s Chubby).

Another teapot piece of furniture added is the Speedy Rhythm. You can set up a racing obstacle course and count laps with them.

For quality of life, players can now edit and customize the shortcut wheel. This makes it easier for players, especially those on the PS4/PS5, to reach certain pages. They don’t have the luxury of PC hotkey shortcuts, after all.

The Spiral Abyss also got some major upgrades. Players can now check the enemies on a floor as they move to the next without abandoning their run. The middle platform’s height was also lowered, so Ayaka’s and Mona’s alternate dash skill can easily pass through it now.

In the map interface, you can jump to certain areas and locations with the bottom right menu. You don’t have to move all the way to Inazuma from Mond or Liyue by scrolling.

The crafting and forging menus have been optimized to show the images more than the names. It’s now easier to look for what you want to craft by sight. If there is more than one way to create an item, there’s a hint on the icon’s upper right.

Some of the hangouts now have dialogue synched to the English, Japanese, and Korean dubs. Diona’s hangout has her voice changed to her actual VA, as Xiangling’s VA provided the dialogue at first.

There are some new recipes, new enemies, and a bunch of new commissions and world quests. It’ll take too long to list all those out, so it’ll be up to you to discover them!

Enchanting Journey of Snow and Stars

It’s a real-life event in the Alps, with players around the world participating by sharing event information through social media. It merits a mention here as one part of is a ‘Lighting Up the Alps’ event that includes the second half of the Genshin concert.

The concert will feature the lighting up of the prop waypoint they placed on the Alps, as well as performances from a variety of artists. If the first one was anything to go by, this new lighting-up ceremony will be a treat to the ears and eyes.

The video of the ceremony will be streamed on Twitch, Youtube, and VK on Jan. 13, so don’t miss it!

Conclusions and Some 2.5 Predictions

With all of these rewards and events up for grabs, it’s time to play Genshin Impact. Sure, we all want those 13 Intertwined Fates to pull on our favorite characters, but it’s worth playing the game right now! The potions event gives 140 Primogems per domain that opens up during the event. That’s a total of 420 Primogems (admittedly just 2 Fates and some leftover) but every Primogem counts when saving for a character.

The Windtrace and the ‘guiding a tanuki’ events will also give similar amounts of Primogems, though in small doses. They will tide you over until the Lanter Rite Festival and the bulk of the rewards.

Even though update 2.4 has just started, people are already looking at 2.5 leaks and information. So far, the only confirmed thing is that Yae Miko will feature heavily in update 2.5. She’s been given the same introductory treatment as Itto and Gorou and Shenhe and Yunjin, with an official post on their Twitter. This implies that she’s going to be a featured banner in 2.5.

There’s no word yet on a 4-star character to be featured with her, as well as which characters will have reruns alongside her. Everything is just from rumor, so take the following with a grain of salt. Kuki Shinobu, the Deputy of the Arataki Gang, just might be the featured 4-star we’re looking for. They also say that the reruns are likely to be the Raiden Shogun and/or Kaedehara Kazuha. These are still subject to change. As for the content, there’s going to be a new boss battle and leaks of a player-created domain.

And that’s all for Genshin’s 2.4 update, Fleeting Colors in Flight. Have fun with the festival celebration and enjoy those Intertwined Fates as rewards!

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