What’s Next for TFT: Set 6.5’s Neon Nights, Silco, and Lunar Festival

By | January 20th, 2022 | Categories: Others

TFT: Set 6.5 – What’s Coming

As Teamfight Tactics’ Set 6 Gizmos and Gadgets battle pass comes near its end, Set 6 will also mean goodbye for a couple of synergies to give way for the compositions in Set 6.5. As old units say goodbye to Tacticians, players will be treated to new units and synergies that will change how the game is played. In addition to a new comp, fans will see a familiar face from Riot’s Arcane series in the next major update. But before players with TFT accounts plunge into a new and partially unfamiliar set or meta, Tacticians can relax and participate in the annual Lunar Festival event.

As Teamfight Tactics set gizmos and gadgets battle-pass comes near its end, set 6 will also be saying ending. In addition, fans will see a familiar face from Riot’s Arcane series in the next major update. Set 6 will also be saying goodbye to tacticians, in addition, fans will see a familiar face from riot’s arcane series in the next major update.

The Current Set and Mechanics

Set 6 entered TFT on November 3, 2021. It brought out new compositions like the Academy, Chemtech, Clockwork, Cuddly, and others which replaced previous traits from Set 5.5. Though initially confused with the changes, Tacticians quickly adapted and appreciated the new comps. Set 5 also introduced a new popular game mode in TFT called Double Up. This game mode allows players to queue up together and fight other teams in a 2v2v2v2 format. Tacticians share the same health points so that when a teammate dies. This game mode allows players to queue up together and fight other teams in a 2v2v2v2 format. Tacticians share the same health points so that when a teammate dies, the other one will also be eliminated from the match.

What made Set 5 truly shine was the introduction of the Hextech Augments in the game. These augments work differently from set traits in a way that they can provide various buffs that are not reliant on synergies. The introduction of this new feature heavily affected the TFT meta and made the game more exciting and unpredictable. Here are the current Hextech Augments available in the game:

  • Tier 1 Augments: Academy Heart, Arcanist Heart, Ascension, Assassin Heart, Binary Airdrop, Bodyguard Heart, Bruiser Heart, Built Different 1, Calculated Loss, Celestial Blessing 1, Challenger Heart, Chemical Overload 1, Chemtech Heart, Clockwork Heart, Cutthroat, Cybernetic Implants 1, Dominance, Dual Rule, Duet, En Garde, Enchanter Heart, Enforcer Heart, Exiles 1, Featherweights 1, First Aid Kit, Hyper Roll, Imperial Heart, Innovator Heart, Item Grab Bag 1, Knife’s Edge 1, Makeshift Armor 1, Mercenary Heart, Mutant Heart, One For All, Pandora’s Items, Phony Frontline, Pirates, Protector Heart, Runic Shield 1, Scholar Heart, Scoped Weapons, Scrap Heart, Self-Repair, Sniper Heart, Sniper’s Nest, So Small, Socialite Heart, Stand Behind Me, Stand United 1, Syndicate Heart, Tinker, Twinshot Heart, Underdogs, Unstable Evolution, and Weakspot
  • Tier 2 Augments: A New Challenger, Academy Honors, All For One, Ancient Archives, Arcane Sigil, Ardent Censer, Armor Plating, Beef Up, Built Different 2, Bulwark, Celestial Blessing 2, Chemical Overload 2, Clear Mind, Cram Session, Cybernetic Implants 2, Deadeye, Element X, Exiles 2, Experiment 13-37, Featherweights 2, Gold reserves, Hidden Blade, High Roller, Hired Gun, Imperial Banner, Instant Injection, Junkyard, Knife’s Edge 2, Lifelong Learning, Makeshift Armor 2, March of Progress, Metabolic Accelerator, Metal Detector, Payday, Rich Get Richer, Runic Shield 2, Safety Vest, Salvage Bin, Shady Business, Sharpshooter, Shrug It Off, Smoke Bomb, Spell Blade, Stand United 2, Sunfire Board, Tick Tock, Titanic Force, Trade Sector, Valedictorian, Wise Spending, and Woodland Charm
  • Tier 3 Augments: Academy Soul, Arcanist Soul, Assassin Soul, Band of Thieves, Bodyguard Soul, Broken Stopwatch, Bruiser Soul, Built Different 3, Celestial Blessing 3, Challenger Soul, Chemical Overload 3, Chemtech Soul, Clockwork Soul, Cybernetic Implants 3, Enchanter Soul, Exiles 3, Featherweights 3, Golden Ticket, High End Shopping, Imperial Soul, Innovator Soul, Item Grab 2, Knife’s Edge 3, Level Up!, Makeshift Armor 3, Mercenary Soul, Mutant Soul, New Recruit, Portable Forge, Protector Soul, Runic Shield 3, Scholar Soul, Scrap Soul, Share the Spotlight, Sniper Soul, Socialite Soul, Stand United 3, Syndicate Soul, Twinshot Soul, and Windfall

As of the moment, there are more than a hundred Hextech Augments that player can acquire in the game. Different Augments provide various advantages that can either make or break the players. However, it is unclear if the augments will be a permanent thing in the popular auto chess game. It is certain that some of these augments will be removed or replaced as new compositions and traits come in which makes some of the existing augments obsolete. As of the moment there are more than a hundred Hextech augments which players can acquire in the game, as of the moment there are more than a hundred the next set titled neon nights,

Set 6.5, Neon Nights

The next set, titled Neon Nights, will bring two new traits to the TFT roster. Debonair and Hextech traits will be replacing Imperials and Academics. Hextech units can activate a disruptive shockwave coming from the Hexcore every 12 seconds of combat. It isn’t clear what the Debonair trait will be doing in the next set, but it is assumed that they will have some sort of unit buffs in comparison to Hextech’s damaging trait skills.

What is notable is that the next will be the first time League of Legends champion Alistar will be included in Riot’s auto chess game. The Minotaur will be part of the Hextech unit roster along with several other champions. Here is the list of champions and traits that will be removed and added to the game:

Removed Traits and Characters:


  • Samira
  • Sion
  • Swain (Swain is a potential unit for the Hextech trait due to the existence of the Hextech Swain skin)
  • Talon


  • Garen
  • Graves
  • Katarina
  • Leona (Leona will only be removed from the Academy trait as she will be included in the Debonair unit roster)
  • Lux
  • Yone
  • Yuumi

Upcoming Characters:

  • Silco
  • Corki
  • Sivir
  • Lucian
  • Rek’Sai
  • Alistar
  • Jarvan
  • Sejuani
  • Brand
  • Kha’Zix
  • Irelia
  • Syndra
  • Nocturne
  • Gnar
  • Draven

With the addition of new traits and units, the current TFT meta will surely shift and be more unpredictable than ever. It is still unclear if there are any Hextech augments that will be added to the game. It is highly possible that new augments will be introduced in order to have add-ons that will synergize with the new traits and units. With the addition of new traits and units

Riot’s vision is to have every League character make an appearance in Teamfight Tactics at least once. Before Alistar, other characters like Gnar, Sivir, and Viego have already made their entry into the game’s roster. This means that upcoming characters like Zeri will enter the auto-chess game at some point in the future.

TFT Exclusive Character, Silco

Included in the upcoming characters for the popular auto-chess game is Arcane’s main villain, Silco. The character will be introduced in Neon Nights as TFT’s first-ever exclusive unit. This means that Silco will only be added to the auto-chess game and will be the only character not part of the actual League of Legends game. This is due to the fact that Silco has already died in the series, and all of League’s champions are still alive in their game’s lore or storyline.

The developers have not yet released any information about what Silco’s abilities, unit cost, and traits will be. However, it is safe to speculate that Silco will be added to the Innovator or Chemtech traits due to his role in the Arcane series. Riot has also made speculations that characters from outside Runeterra or the League of Legends Universe might make an appearance in the game. This indicates that the game will be importing some of Valorant’s Agents or characters from entirely other games.

When will Set 6.5 Arrive?

Neon Nights have no fixed date yet on when it will be released. However, Tacticians can take the remaining days of the current battle pass as an indication of when the next major update will be. The Gizmos and Gadgets Pass is set to end in 27 days. This means that players can expect a major update around the second or third week of January. This timeline is also in accordance with Riot’s presumed habit of rotating out the current set every three months.

Neon nights have no fixed date yet on when it will be released. However, tacticians can take the remaining days of the current battle pass as an indication of when the next major update will be.

However, fans of the game should take note that Set 6.5 will most probably arrive in the PBE servers first. This means that Neon Nights will come to the actual servers a little later than the third week of February. For Tacticians who can’t wait for the update in live servers, they can try out the Neon Nights set when it gets released in the PBE. However, they should be aware that not all features in the PBE are permanent since everything in the test servers are subject to changes.

Lunar Legend Festival

Before fans of the game say goodbye to some of the most popularly played traits of all time, Tacticians still have time to use and enjoy Academy and Imperial units during the Lunar Golden Lantern event. The annual event will provide players with free and other purchasable cosmetics from arena to little legends.

Before fans of the game say goodbye to most of the popularly played traits of all time, tacticians still have time to use and enjoy academy and imperial units during the lunar golden lantern event. The annual event will provide players with free and other purchasable cosmetics from arena to little legends.

Team compositions and sets in teamfight tactics are never permanent. In addition, the lunar legend festival will feature interactive events where players can talk with little legend npcs.

In addition, the Lunar Legend Festival will feature interactive events wherein players can talk with numerous Little Legend NPCs in the game’s lobby. These legends will provide various missions for Tacticians that will yield great rewards once completed. Though players should be warned, since TFT is all about using wits and strategies, these missions will also require players to use their smarts to figure out how to complete the objectives. There are a total of five rewards that can be acquired via events and missions, so Tacticians should check them out as soon as possible. The Lunar Event will last until the end of Path 12.3.

Team compositions and sets in Teamfight Tactics are never permanent. The traits and synergies are always changing and so is the TFT meta. This is what makes the game interesting and fun to play as there are endless opportunities and gameplay for every set. Make the most of the Gizmos and Gadgets sets before Neon Nights roll in!

Team compositions and sets in TFT are never permanent. The traits and synergies are always changing and so is the TFT meta. This is what makes the game interesting and fun to play. Make the most of the Gizmos and Gadgets before Neon Nights roll in.

With the addition of new traits and units the current TFT meta will surely shift and be more, the current TFT meta will surely shift and be more unpredictable than ever it is still unclear if there are any hextech augments that will be added to the game. It is highly possible that new augments will be introduced in order to have addons that will

Included in the upcoming characters for the popular auto-chess game

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