ArcheAge 4.0 Update with Fresh Content

By | September 19th, 2017 | Categories: Others

For Archeage, Update 3.5 (Erebor Eternal) made lots of major changes in the game. Now, another major update, specifically ArcheAge 4.0, is set to hit North America and Europe within the year. For this update, it’s going focus on PVP. Check out how XL is going to change the way adventurers take on one another.

How’s the Salty Adventurer in Archeage 4.0?

For 4.0, the new content is Bloodsalt Bay. In Update 3.5, players received access to three new seafaring-related areas: (1) Whaleswell Straits, (2) Whalesong Harbor, and (3) Aegis Island. Given the common thematic of those areas in the previous patch, it’s rather fitting that it would also have a nautical atmosphere and setting. Well, it was supposed to be added in 3.5, but the devs, for some reason, didn’t. On the other hand, it doesn’t feel like the timing is off since the content in question fits the focus of the upcoming patch.

Bloodsalt Bay is a PvP naval arena. Even though not much is known about this upcoming content, speculations based on the Archeage Korea patch notes suggest it’s going to be a 12-versus-12 free for all. In fact, each player will have his or her ship. At the same time, there is another rumor claiming that XL has made extensive changes to the system. Assuming both are true, then we can expect that Bloodsalt Bay is a smash.

For more Archeage, check this out: ArcheAge’s Erenor Eternal Update Lives Up to the Hype

What about new features?

Aside from adding a new PvP arena, XL is adding a new feature for a handful of PvP arenas, making them cross-server. According to XL, the feature is so that players can enjoy PvP regardless of how small their servers (population) might be.


The arenas’ that will have the cross-server feature including the following:

  1. Gladiator (Unbalanced 1v1s)
  2. Sparring (Balanced 1v1s)
  3. Skirmishing (Balanced 3v3s)
  4. Free-for-All
  5. Bloodsalt Bay

Unfortunately, there are no 5v5 cross-server arenas, and XL hasn’t explained why. It’s quite a shame, but hey, we’re holding our breath hoping that there’s at least one valid answer within the near future.

Any changes to the rules?

Other than adding a new arena and a game-changing feature, Update 4.0 will also tweak lots of minor details related to arenas as a whole to improve the experience for many players. There’s the waiting period, which is meant to give the system time to ensure that the match is going to have players who will participate.

The search method used by Arenas has kicked it up a notch. Players who often go to 1v1 Arenas would benefit from this change the most because the system will now be pairing them up with opponents that have the same score range as they do.

Another change is the rewards. Rather than getting Honor, players will get Kyrios’ Medals instead. After finishing an Arena, participants will get Kyrios’ Medals via mail. The performance will determine how many Kyrios’ Medals they’re going to get.

It’s understandable not to be hyped if you aren’t into PvP. If you’re all about showing your fellow Archeage adventurers whose boss in exciting, challenging, and salt-inducing battles, then you’re going to be pumped for ArcheAge 4.0. Good news: you won’t have to wait for a much-improved Arena experience since the anticipated release date is in 2017.

For more Archeage, check this out: ArcheAge Beginners Guide

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