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Monster Hunter Rise Best Longsword Build
With the release of Sunbreak DLC, the Monster Hunter Rise meta is about to change again. After the expansion, many weapons received several buffs and were reworked on their […]
Lost Ark How to Leave Guild
Being a guild member is common in almost any game with multiplayer functions. In Lost Ark, being a part of one of these groups allows access to many features […]
Teamfight Tactics Set 7: Dragonlands Origin and Class Guide
Riot Games’ Teamfight Tactics is League of Legends’s spin-off auto battler game. The game involves purchasing and placing League champions on a board to let them fight for you […]
FFXIV vs WoW – Which MMORPG Should You Play?
The battle for MMO supremacy is a hot topic of debate even in 2022. While there are many titles from this genre to choose from, there is often a […]
Eastern vs. Western Games
Today, we’ll be comparing the different game philosophies between the two halves of the world. All gamers want to have fun, but they may have different definitions of fun […]
Why Does Everyone Play DPS in MMOs?
WoW players have been complaining of long queues. Lost Ark players have to wait for support characters to join them. This is common across all MMOs and servers, so […]
Most Hated Fortnite Skins
Hate is a strong word, but it’s one that we humans often use – even if we don’t necessarily hate “it.” Ever since Fortnite was released in 2017, it’s […]
PoE Gem Corruption Guide
Path of Exile has been one of the premiere ARPGs for years. It provides gamers with prime examples of customization freedom and stat building. While there are a lot […]
Ayato’s Story and How He Got His Vision
The elusive sibling of Ayaka is finally here! Kamisato Ayato in Ayaka is a strong unit that can fill the support and main DPS roles. Here are some suggestions […]
What You Need to Know About OSRS’ Guardians of the Rift
Guardians of the Rift is a new Runecraft minigame released by Jagex as part of the March 23rd OSRS update. Runecraft is the skill you need to use various […]
Is PvP Dead in OSRS?
The answer to this question depends on who you ask. An Ironman trying to get a Dragon Pickaxe will, for a fact, have a very different answer than a […]
Apex Legends Season 13 – What’s New
Apex Legends Season 13 has just arrived, and many things have changed, particularly in competitive queues. Aside from new updates on the ranked matches, a new battle pass and […]
Axie Infinity, Play-to-Earn’s Poster Boy, is Nearing Collapse
Axie Infinity, which rode the NFT bubble to soaring heights in 2021 is nearing collapse. AXS, the game’s cryptocurrency token, has fallen from an all-time high of $160.36 down […]
The Fall of EA Games
I have fond memories of EA Games, starting with The Sims. My siblings would play Red Alert while I watched. Then they moved on to Need for Speed, SimCity, […]