The Nintendo Switch Port of Mortal Kombat 1 Isn’t Worth $70

mortal kombat 1 switch
By | September 11th, 2023 | Categories: News

Mortal Kombat 1 launched recently, but fans who paid for the premium edition ($109.99) have been playing the game in early access since September 14. Most notably, players who opted for the Nintendo Switch version reported visible technical issues, such as expressionless faces, inconsistent frame rates, and long loading times.

Mortal Kombat 1 Shouldn’t Be On the Switch

Mortal Kombat 1 is one of the major releases this year, so it’s no surprise that the developers want as many people as possible to get their hands on the game. But technically speaking, it shouldn’t have been made available for the Nintendo Switch in the first place. The Switch’s aging hardware already has low-end specs compared to the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Plus, considering that MK1 wasn’t even released for both last-gen consoles, you’d think the devs would skip over the Nintendo Switch.

Fans were understandably concerned about how the game would run on Nintendo’s hybrid console. Unfortunately, their fears were proven valid. While the game runs at 60 FPS (most of the time), the visual bugs and graphics are unimpressive.

The reality is the Nintendo Switch is underpowered. Switch owners know that, and they’re willing to look past having an inferior port of MK1 just to play the game; however, paying for the same price—$69.99 for the standard version and $109.99 for the premium version—as other consoles which have better performance is a travesty. What’s worse is that Switch users won’t have immediate access to the full version of  Invasions. The full content will be available on the platform in “a matter of weeks,” as stated by Warner Bros. Games on their support website.

The Graphics Are An Abomination

The Nintendo Switch is six years old now. While Nintendo’s great at hiding its age in certain ways, the recent footage of Mortal Kombat 1 on the console instantly makes it painfully aware that modern titles are pushing the Switch’s limits.

Posted by SynthPotato on Twitter, you can clearly see the Mortal Kombat 1 comparison photos juxtaposing the same screenshots from the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 5. Yep, the Nintendo Switch ones look like the stuff of nightmares.

It’s crystal clear that whatever power is under the Nintendo Switch’s hood, it’s not enough to run the likes of Mortal Kombat 1. Although it does technically get the job done, you’ll have to compromise with lower graphical qualities, longer load times, and a (somewhat) stable frame rate.

A TikToker who goes by the handle johniibo also showed off the game’s glitchy and low-poly graphics. He goes on to say that the visuals of Mortal Kombat 1 are akin to the game that came out during the early 2000s. Johniibo initially thought the game looked terrible because there may have been something wrong with the Switch he was playing on. He tried to boot MK1 on another Switch, but nothing changed. Everything still looked like a glitchy mess.

At Least It Runs Great…Right?

Some players try to justify that while Mortal Kombat 1 doesn’t look its best on the Nintendo Switch, it at least runs at a consistent 60 FPS. Sadly, the game’s frame rates take some severe hits when you have more than two fighters on the screen. In this footage from Chris in Color, you can see the game hiccups and sometimes freezes whenever multiple visual effects and characters appear.

Tagging in assist character is instrumental to Mortal Kombat 1’s mechanics, and with these dips to the frame rate, it’ll seriously impact your gameplay. Chris in Color’s review also shows the lengthy loading times; you’ll have to wait more than 30 seconds just to get in a match. And when you do, graphical glitches—like backgrounds flickering in and out of existence—are what you’ll be greeted with.

Throw It In the Fire

Since Mortal Kombat 1’s early access release on September 14, even more users have posted clips on how atrocious the Switch port looks. The Nintendo Switch’s disabled in-game recording function makes it extra tricky for people to get high-quality footage, but with capture cards, it’s possible.

NetherRealm Studios—a video game developer owned by Warner Bros. Games—recently released an update patch ahead of MK1’s full release. There’s a chance that some of the issues Switch players are encountering could be ironed out, but the sheer volume of complaints is enough to deter others from buying this version of the game. At least, not if they can help it.

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