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The Rise, The Fall, & The Future of MMOs
If you’ve ever played a video game before, there’s a good chance that you at least know what World of Warcraft is. In the early 2000s, it was the […]
Despite NFT Crash, Square Enix Continues to Offload Legacy Franchises to Focus on Blockchain Gaming
The NFT market is experiencing a crash driven mostly by a loss of value in the NFT art and collectible sectors. A cryptocurrency price index showed a drop in […]
Chocobo GP’s Freemium Model is A Huge Turn Off
Mario 8 Deluxe still sits as the king of kart racing games despite being a re-hashed version of its Wii U counterpart. The Nintendo Switch has amassed a library […]
From Software’s Cryptic Game Design isn’t a Beautiful Mystery. It’s Just Frustrating.
Spoiler Warning: contains character-quest spoilers Intentionally Cryptic Elden Ring is a phenomenal game. That almost goes without saying at this point. The scale that From Software has achieved, while […]
The Downsides of Piracy
First off, I’m obligated to say that pirating video games is either illegal or a misdemenor (you wouldn’t download a car) in many countries. In the United States, it’s […]
Sick of Gaming? How to Enjoy Video Games Again.
You might be wondering why such an article exists. While burnout is a common phenomenon for employees and sports athletes (yes, even e-Sport athletes), gamers can have it too. […]
Is Lost Ark Pay to Win?
Lost Ark has been the talk of the town ever since its western release. Thousands of players from the West have flocked to the game to see what the […]
In-Depth Lost Ark Engraving Guide – What are the Best Engravings
Lost Ark is currently the talk of the gaming world. Just a few days after its release, the game became the most played Steam game in the platform’s history, […]
Genshin Impact Lore: Enkanomiya
What is Enkanomiya? Ever since the release of Watatsumi Island in Genshin Impact, we’ve been hit with hints of a civilization that lived deep beneath the sea (think Atlantis). […]
Lost Ark Stats Explained – Best Stats for Each Class
Lost Ark is rapidly becoming one of the top MMOs. With the lack of new games on the market, plenty of players are flocking to the Korean ARPG to […]
Eastern vs. Western MMOs
When it comes to discussing the differences in MMO game design in the East and the West comments are often made about what Western studios can learn from their […]
NFTs Industrialize the Gameplay Loop… That’s a Terrible Idea
The Commodification of Games NFTs will destroy video games if industry-wide adoption occurs. This is not, well mostly not, hyperbole. NFTs mean the ability to commodify things that were […]
Genshin Impact: Yae Miko’s Lore and How She Got Her Vision
Yae Miko’s Story (as Told by Her) Oh, you want to know more about me. Well, I can certainly indulge you for a while, though it wouldn’t be for […]
Lost Ark NA Class Tier List
The Best Class in Lost Ark Lost Ark has been on many gamers’ minds over the past few weeks. Ever since Smilegate partnered with Amazon to release the Korean […]
Genshin Impact: Yun Jin Lore and How She Got Her Vision
Genshin Impact: Yun Jin’s Story and How She Got Her Vision Name: Yun Jin (that’s her whole name, with Yun as her surname and Jin as her first name) […]